Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I love to watch people. Not in a creepy way. I think we can learn so much from watching the ways people interact with each other. So often, we are so consumed with ourselves and our people that we don’t take time to look up and learn from our surroundings.

Two weeks ago while playing with Stella at the Community Center, I saw a woman with two young girls. Through the course of the playtime, I learned she was their mother. I also learned she was exhausted. She was frustrated. And if she was aware of others’ perceptions, she didn’t care much what those present thought of her…if she was aware of her daughters’ perceptions, she didn’t care much what these two little girls thought of her – at least not in that moment.

I wondered a few things about this woman who was obviously feeling empty herself. I wondered if she knew she’s a leader. I wondered if she knew two little girls, who were throwing themselves in joy into her less-than-receptive lap, are following her. I wondered if she knew the impact she was having on the room full of children and parents who brought them. I wondered if she knew how to take care of herself in order to fuel and inspire those who look to her for leadership. I wondered if she had anyone in her life to help her. I wondered if she felt the weight of life so heavily that she couldn’t see the truth that help is everywhere if we choose to invest in relationship. I wondered if she knew she was more powerful than she felt.

I don’t know her story – but I do know she’s a leader. I know she’s empty. I know I haven’t gotten her out of my head for two weeks. I know she’s made me think critically about my own leadership example. And if I see her again, I will ask her how I can help her because everything she openly communicated to us in the room that day was need.

Do you know you’re a leader? Do you know you’re being followed?

Do you know you are always communicating to EVERYONE you come in contact with? Are you communicating inspiration or exhaustion?

Are you running on empty? Do you need to take time to refill so you can give out?

Do you have others in your life to help you? If not, why not? Don’t make excuses, make friends.

Do you know you are more powerful than you feel? Are you willing to surround yourself with people who see that and bring it out of you?

Lean Forward,

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