Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I started reading John Maxwell’s book, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” this week. I’ll be posting quite a bit from this thoughts I’m sure, but for this week, I will just say that I highly recommend the book. In his opening chapter, he touches on the concept of intentionality and tells his fathers’ riddle:

Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left on the log?

The answer is five.

Decision is a whole lot different than action. Progress and growth have little to do with decision unless that decision is followed up with immediate action. Likewise, action without decision is likely to take you in a direction contrary to the place you’d like to end up.

How different might your life look today if you had acted on all the decisions you made a year ago? A month ago? A week ago?

How different might your life look in a year from now if you act on the decisions you make today?

What have you decided to do but have yet to act on your decision?

What actions are you taking that are apart from/contrary to intentional decision and planning – are you doing things that move you closer to or farther from the goals you’ve set?

What log are you still sitting on?

Lean forward,

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